encouragement, lessons, prophecy, testimony

Freedom from People Bondage


You have to go to school, work, or even church again and you’re dreading it! Not because you don’t like the work you do there or the sermons you hear, but you can’t stand it because of the people! The people are literally the worse thing about these places and what’s worse is you’re one of the ‘super’ Christians that are there. People know you’re a strong believer! The truth is, you’re feeling isolated in your faith walk and your now experiencing what all believers experience at one point or the other. You’re experiencing being hated on for following Christ or maybe you’re just dealing with people who just don’t seem to like you because you are you. Well, friend, it’s time to let this people bondage go because it’s pretty much impossible to walk with God and value the opinions of man more than His opinion.

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encouragement, lessons, testimony

Am I called to singleness?



So, you’ve been waiting on God for a spouse for some time now. At first, you started off strong, filled with fervor, and zeal for what God had for you. But now, you find yourself watching everyone around you getting engaged or married. You’re creeping up into your 30’s and now you’re starting to wonder to yourself: ‘God why am I left out?’ The strange thing is after a while you start feeling content being single. Like, WAAY too content being single, to the point where you are not concerned much about your spouse. Everyone is asking you about who you’re dating or if you’ve met someone and the only thing you can wonder to yourself is: ‘Is there something wrong with me?’ ‘Am I called to be single for the rest of my life?’

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encouragement, lessons

When God Tells You To Exit


—Need direction on what God’s telling you to do? Read this!—

Have you ever felt like you’ve gone down the wrong path? There was warning sign after warning sign telling you that this was not the door God had for you, yet still you went down the wrong path anyway. You feel like you’ve picked the wrong degree, the wrong job, and maybe even the wrong person to enter a relationship into with. You didn’t listen to God at all, nor did you consult Him when you went down this path, you just went on your own pathway.

The truth is you wanted that woman to be your future wife so bad, you never slowed down to make sure God was actually speaking to you. When it came to school, you simply just went with what everyone else said you’d be good at, rather than listening to God. Your job just ended up being something you chose to just ‘pay the bills’ because you never once in your life just tried to wait on God and what HE wanted.  If this is you, there is still hope if you believe in God. The God you believe in is a heavenly Father who is ready to step in on your behalf, even when you’ve made what you feel like is a mess of things.

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creative, encouragement, lessons

Without A Covering


–>Trusting God in Your single season<–

Imagine being in a hot and dry desert. Your lips are cracked and parched due to thirst and your stomach is rumbling due to hunger. You look around, but don’t see any water or trees for shade miles around. The skin on your face is scorched due to you not having a covering on your head. It’s not that you weren’t offered a covering at the beginning of your journey. The people who led the tour knew that you would need one and continued to offer it to you. However, you aggressively denied what you can now clearly see you desperately needed. What’s worse is that you fought tooth and nail to bring what YOU thought was an adequate covering to shield you from the burning sun.

You didn’t know the conditions were going to be this bad, you say. You didn’t know that it was going to get this hot, but the tour guides knew. How often do we do this with God? He knows exactly what protection we need, what covering we need, but we refuse the one that He offers. We refuse even His own protection! We live our life without His covering—without His blessing!

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Christianese 101, lessons

Christianese 101: ‘God said..he’s my husband!!’


–> Questions to ask yourself to see if God told you who your husband <–

So, you’ve found ‘The One’! The guy that makes your heart flutter, makes you skip a bit, or makes you sing. Well, maybe he doesn’t do all that for you, but something has whispered in your ear: ‘He’s the ONE!’ Maybe your excited about it or maybe your ready to run for the hills. Either way you need to discern whether or not this word came from God or the devil because if you don’t know this by now, Satan can and will speak to you every now and again to throw you off track. Don’t fret, I have ten questions that will help bring more clarity to whether or not you’re hearing from God about that special(or dreadful ) someone.

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creative, encouragement

Kiss the girl


->Pursuing the Blessings God has for you<-

Graceful, poised, a bit sassy, and always sharply dressed. When she looks up at you and smiles, the whole earth seems to stand still. You want this girl. You feel like you need to have her, but every time you’ve tried to approach a girl you’ve wanted in the past it seems to have failed. This one is not only the prettiest, but also one of the smartest women you’ve known. She’s well out of your league, there’s no way she would give you the time of day, but the Holy Spirit has prompted you within your heart to pursue her. You gulp a bit nervous about what to do in this situation. What to do, what to do? Click the play button on the video bellow and let’s let pastor and worship leader Sebastian minister to us on how we all need to learn how to Kiss the Girl as you read along to my encouragement. And yes, ladies if you know a guy who has this problem feel free to forward this to him. (Disney ministry spring forth!)

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encouragement, prophecy

The Prideful and The Prejudiced


A lot of people say don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but how many people actually listen to this statement? Even in the Bible, God does not judge a person based on what man can see, but instead what He sees in the spiritual. However, I often see people in the Christian community, especially, judging and turning their nose up to people they feel are a certain way. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been down this path before. We’ve all gotten to a place where we judged someone without knowing them too well or made a hasty decision on whether or not to associate with a person because of their past or things they have said or done. Sometimes your decision to stay near a person was purely based on what a person could or could not do for you. The question you need to ask yourself is: Who are you?

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